Mimina is born between the of Romagna hills of Santa Sofia (FC) to offer biological, homemade products and vegani. Between the products you will find granola, biscuits, muesli and little bars. The maximum attention is put on the raw materials to be able to unwind the simple working methods at best and to ensure a tasty and healthy final product!

I created ‘Mimina’ so that i could offer organic, vegan, handcrafted granola baked in a wood-fired oven. The company was born from the desire to rediscover my family roots, bond with nature and find stability within a healthy lifestyle. After a lifetime spent abroad in cosmopolitan cities, I decides to quit my job in a renowned auction house, return to Italy and rekindle with Santa Sofia, my home town and centre of family bonds. The small town, among the sweet hills of romagna, becomes the place of inspiration for a new beginning, and hence the cradle of ‘Mimina’. ‘Mimina’, or ‘my little one’ is a tribute to my grandfather, a true lover of healthy living in respect of nature.
My catalogue includes three macro-categories: Granola & Granola Bars, Muesli and Cookies. Mimina's website for wholsale clients showcases reserved prices and products which can be bought directly from the site once the client is registered.

The base of my granola is oat flakes, agave syrup and linseeds that facilitate a slow nutrients absorption as well as helping to maintain low blood sugar levels. The 5 flavours of granola include one savoy variant, which is ideal with salads, soft cheeses, soups and carpaccio. My granola bars are made from granola and dates. A simple combination that offers an ideal energy boost for a mid morning or mid afternoon snack.

Mimina muesli are a simple combination of organic ingredients. Differently to granola, muesli is not cooked but rather created by mixing different seeds, nuts puffed or flaked cereals, and dried fruits together.

The base of my cookies is stone ground flour and rice syrup. I use high oleic use of sunflower oil for an entirely vegan recipe.
The flour comes from our trusted farm in Santa Sofia.

We believe that healthy life respecting the nature is the biggest present che a person could become some day after day. With this thought, I have thought up Mimina, a mark that respects the nature in all the his productive phases.

We select our biological ingredients meticulously to ensure it bontà ’ and her qualità ’ of the final product. We use in fact the Canadian red blueberry, I syrup d’ agave Mexican, oat and Italian filberts … the top of gamma that each country offers.

To create to hand our products for us means: sharing. Our simple prescriptions are made special by the passion and dall’ love that characterises our working. Here between the of Romagna hills, when we put the apron on, the magic begins.
Returned in Italy, Francesca D’ Antonio has begun to produce sé granola and muesli homemade that he was loving much (but that here was not managing to find) giving the road to a startup that has not tardato to draw success.
Francesca D' Antonio has realised an alimentary project for a healthy life that wants to recover the contact with the nature. A serious and scrupulous project behind which a life choice is hidden also."
Paolo Massobrio awards a prize to Mimina when best seller was inserting it into the gastronomic guide 'The Golosario 2020'![]()
Some of our clients
The Castle of Diegaro
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Email: amministrazione@miminagranola.it
Tel: 333-3234309
Instagram Direct: @miminagranola
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